Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Week to Go

Hi friends,

All of us except Luke will meet at the San Francisco airport a week from tomorrow! (Luke is flying directly from his home in the UK to Amman.) It doesn't seem real yet. Thursday we talked to the short- term host in Jordan. We made plans for getting picked up, and the first couple of days. We are very excited. A Safeway grocery store is two blocks away, so we will be on our own to go shopping. We'll have to set up a schedule for cooking, cleaning and the like. We'll let you know what our schedule is like once we get there and get settled in. The short-term hosts live across the hall from the guest quarters, so they''l be close to help us get started.

Kim and I packed up four large bags our team is taking with us for workers there. Two are going on to Iraq! I think we take for granted how easy it is to get things here and the amazing variety of goods we have available. We packed lots of baby things, "HappyAnniversery" napkins, Peet's coffee, books for a women's study, and more. This has made me stop and confess how attached I am to "things." We have so much more than what we need in the this country. I remember that Jesus did not even have a place to lay his head! Wow.

Grace and peace to you!
