Monday, July 14, 2008

Second Session, First Day

Yesterday we taught the first class of the second two week session. Two TESOL students from the US have joined our teaching team. Katie & Heather will be teaching other classes for their practicum. Kim is their supervisor. We debriefed afterward, and the first day went well. Micah is teaching the Beginner 1 class with Heather assisting. Jackson, who taught with him in the first session, moved up to co-teach with Claire in the Beginner 2 class. Kim and I are teaching the Intermediate, and Luke is teaching the Advanced with Katie assisting.
We now have both a man and woman in each class which we already seen payoff. When Kim and my class went to break, the only woman in the class stayed behind and talked to Kim. About half of the students continued from the first session, so we have plenty of ongoing relationships. In fact, one of Claire's students is already arranging another picnic for this weekend!
We planned our Petra trip for Friday with Waleed, so that allows us to schedule other appointments for the weekend. It is hard to communicate how friendly and hospitable the Jordanians are. All of us on the team love meeting, socializing, and talking to our students and acquaintances.